One Of Us Is The Killer - White Neon Light testo lyric


Empty rooms scream,
white neon light,
scent of you.
Muddy water
with tears and blood,
it runs down my back,
on the floor.
Sharp pains like lightnings
cross my emptiness.
I lie,
I have no more defenses.
Arms raised to this sky,
that seems to come down to pieces.
Discharges that shake the skin,
livid with anger and grudge.
Not a sound,
not a noise,
not a memory,
not an image,
only shadows,
like ink stains,
worn out by time. ( x 4)

Empty rooms scream,
white neon light,
scent of you.
Muddy water
with tears and blood,
it runs down my back,
on the floor.
Sharp pains like lightnings
cross my emptiness.
I lie,
I have no more defenses.
Arms raised to this sky,
that seems to come down to pieces.
Discharges that shake the skin,
livid with anger and grudge,

for something that never was,
and that will never see


Premi play per ascoltare il brano White Neon Light di One Of Us Is The Killer:


La canzone White Neon Light si trova nell'album White Neon Light uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album White Neon Light, di One Of Us Is The Killer

L'articolo One Of Us Is The Killer - White Neon Light testo lyric di One Of Us Is The Killer è apparso su il 2021-06-21 11:07:50


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