7th Break - Cigars & Wine (Symptoms) testo lyric


Tonight I’ll wait outside, tonight I’ll show you what it’s like
What it’s like to be alone in this world
And I’m conscious that you might never come back
You might never come back

The night stands still; my blood is bleeding tears tonight
As I’m begging forgiveness from God, as I’m trying so hard not to
Bury myself into the pit of self-destruction and guilt
I have dug with my hands, ‘cause I’m dangerous for my self

Forgive my sins if you want to
And pay my debt if you’ll do so
But just leave me here striking back for my life
Even if I die

Forgive my sins if you want to
And pay my debt if you’ll do so
But just leave me here striking back for my life
Even if I die


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Cigars & Wine (Symptoms) di 7th Break:


La canzone Cigars & Wine (Symptoms) si trova nell'album Patches and Holes uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Patches and Holes, di 7th Break

L'articolo 7th Break - Cigars & Wine (Symptoms) testo lyric di 7th Break è apparso su Rockit.it il 2018-01-28 17:19:11


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