7th Break - The Time Has Come testo lyric

28/01/2018 - 17:19 Scritto da 7th Break 7th Break 1


A sick ring makes me aware another day has started:
another bit of life to live like a nameless body
What a perfect day to say "What's up?!" to many strangers,
yet nobody can see I only fight to change this

And once more, I stand here still waiting
in the middle of the crowd: just look at me, I'm here!
How I try to scream, but nobody can hear me…

The time has come, and guess what? I'm ready:
it's time to say: "Hey! Don’t fool me, I'm waiting!"
to a fate that has always given me the worst fucking memories,
to a life which always taught me that pain is the main thing…

I lost a piece of me before I can remember;
I used to build my dreams to escape from anybody,
from all the people who make me feel locked in a damn cage,
from anybody who cannot hear my scream

The time has come, and guess what? I'm ready:
it's time to say: "Hey! Don’t fool me, I'm waiting!"
to a fate that has always given me the worst fucking memories,
to a life which always taught me that pain is the main thing…

Every time I thought I’d blame somebody,
then I became the only one to blame
Every day I fight and try to stop this,
and yet that game will never ever change:
a sad game called "useless life to live",
the only game everyone seems to play
Every day I fight and try to stop this,
and now I really can say that

the time has come, and guess what? I'm ready:
it's time to say: "Hey! Don’t fool me, I'm waiting!"
to a fate that has always given me the worst fucking memories,
to a life which always taught me that pain is the main thing…

The time has come, and guess what? I'm ready:
it's time to say: "Hey! Don’t fool me, I'm waiting!"
to a fate that has always given me the worst fucking memories,
to a life which always taught me that pain is the main thing.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Time Has Come di 7th Break:


La canzone The Time Has Come si trova nell'album Chasing Lights uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Chasing Lights, di 7th Break

L'articolo 7th Break - The Time Has Come testo lyric di 7th Break è apparso su Rockit.it il 2018-01-28 17:19:11


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