B.M.C. Big Mountain County - Follow Me testo lyric


I am alone, in a red room, and I’m at peace with myself.
I feel the soft skin on me and I look in the mirror
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me, hot
Slowly, slowly
Slowly, slowly, shit

I’m blindfolded, my hands are tied, and I'm looking for you
I have a heart of stone, I have no hope, please honey

Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me, hot

Slowly, slowly
Slowly, slowly, shit

Ah! Yeah

In a red blood room, alone
It’s not a dream, it’s not a dream

Sweet voices whisper with me
I am alone, in a red room at peace with myself
I feel the soft skin on me and I’m looking in the mirror

Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me, hot
Slowly, slowly
Slowly, slowly, yeah


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La canzone Follow Me si trova nell'album Follow Me uscito nel 2024 per Goodfellas, The Or Music, Sister 9 Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Follow Me, di B.M.C. Big Mountain County

L'articolo B.M.C. Big Mountain County - Follow Me testo lyric di B.M.C. Big Mountain County è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-09-12 00:14:56


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