Since the day
I knew how you feel
I wrote songs
Based on your days mood
Everytime you feel so wrong
Gentle and warm sounds
Caring and kind words
I’ll bring you
Wherever you will be
On your pillow late at night
Switch on
Go on your screen and play along
My song
Since the day
I had to get a job
I wrote songs
To satisfy and please you
Every time you feel so sad
Play on
I’ll be there, just like and share
You mean money
Premi play per ascoltare il brano For You di Blind Ride:
La canzone For You si trova nell'album BLIND RIDE - Paranoid-Critical Method uscito nel 2023 per Overdub Recordings, Stock-a.

L'articolo Blind Ride - For You testo lyric di Blind Ride è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-01-14 17:07:41