Bitterness comes one step ahead
The more you grow, the more you gather
Time passes as you’re racking up unavoidable disappointment
The more you love, the more you gather
Over and over, again and again
You must believe in something stronger
Don’t you agree to live
In a surrogate of a dream
Don’t you allow to be
Sad as the life they live
Walking corpses deprived of memories
Wishing you will surrender to life
Sneaky, mean sometimes crafty
Void filled, hate and envy
Don’t you agree to live
In a surrogate of a dream
Don’t you allow to be
Sad as the life they live
Surrogate of a dream
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Surrogate of a Dream di Blind Ride:
La canzone Surrogate of a Dream si trova nell'album BLIND RIDE - Paranoid-Critical Method uscito nel 2023 per Overdub Recordings, Stock-a.

L'articolo Blind Ride - Surrogate of a Dream testo lyric di Blind Ride è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-01-14 17:07:41