The Oracle And The Sonic Delirium.
Un viaggio onirico negli abissi mentali. Deliri sonici e ritmiche danze ossessive danno vita a moderni rituali frenetici per stordire e allietare il disordine dei sensi. L'oracolo assume forme perverse. L'alterazione mentale non è solo luce e colore, ma pure tenebra e paura.
I Blind Tigers traducono in musica sensazioni oniriche, occulte e surreali contaminando lo psychedelic rock con l'urgenza garage-punk.

The Oracle And The Sonic Delirium
Blind Tigers
Blind Tigers:
Vasco - Lead vocals and percussion
Matteo Innocenti - Keyboards, synth and backing vocals
Reste - Bass and backing vocals
Matthew Strong - Drums, percussion and backing vocals
All songs are written by Blind Tigers except: "Flamingos" (Written by Nico & Blind Tigers), "Moly" (written by Alberto "Fao" Masseroli & Blind Tigers), "Sacrifice" (written by Batta & Blind Tigers).
All songs are arranged and performed by Blind Tigers.
All lyrics are written by Vasco.
Thanks to:
Simon (the first Blind Tigers's bass player) - Bass in "Krampus", "The Garden of The Hesperides", "The Mask".
Ruben - Flute in "Oblivion. Introduction to the Blind Tigers", "The Days of Chaos", "The Mask".
Alberto "Fao" Masseroli - Guitar in "Moly".
Ol Pjpa - Sailor's chorus in "Octopus" and delirant intro shout in "The King of Rats".
Produced by Antonio Polidoro and Blind Tigers. Recorded and mixed by Antonio Polidoro at Blap Studio - Milano.
Illustration by Matthew Strong.