Broken Frames - Except You (live) testo lyric


This Trip, will not last forever
This Flame, sooner or later, will turn off
Like a Train, I'll arrive at my last stop;
I'll takes my bags, and I will go away.

The night will hide me,
in the darkness of his arms;
she will cradle me while I think that...

Nothing will remain except you
Nothing will remain except you

It's a race, you must be competitive
Life isn't waiting for you;

So run! Run until you can
Run with all your force
and when you'll have to stop, you'll remember that...

Nothing will remain except you
Nothing will remain except you

'Cause i'll be alive in my music
she will be forever my home.
My memories will last forever,
traveling on my notes

Nothing will remain except you
Nothing will remain except you

'Cause I will live forever in my notes

Nothing will remain except you
Nothing will remain except you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Except You (live) di Broken Frames:


Except You parla di come la vita di un'uomo si possa riflettere nella sua musica, e di come questa possa farne sopravvivere i ricordi in eterno. Il testo è, infatti, uno di quelli che più rappresenta il modo di pensare e di fare musica della band.


Autore & Compositore: Walter Nuzzo
All Rights Reserved

VIDEO Except You (live)

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La canzone Except You (live) si trova nell'album Broken Frames uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album Broken Frames, di Broken Frames

L'articolo Broken Frames - Except You (live) testo lyric di Broken Frames è apparso su il 2016-01-31 18:25:34


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