COBALTO band - Shine testo lyric


Shine (Segalini-Ardenghi-Tedesco)

Shining, shine thru’ my soul
Shining as above so below
Shining, shine thru’ my head
Shining, thru’ the good and the bad

All is one and one is all
Everything is beautiful shine shine
all is lost and all is near
all is here to disappear shine shine

All is one and one is all
Everything is beautiful shine shine
rising up and falling down
all is here to hit the ground shine shine

Shining, shine thru’ my soul
Shining as above so below
Shining from the west to the east
Shining i’m the God and the beast

All is one and one is all
Everything is beautiful shine shine
all is lost and all is near
all is here to disappear shine shine

Shining, shine thru’ my soul
Shining as above so below
Shining, shine thru’ my head
Shining, thru’ the good and the bad
Shining from the west to the east
Shining i’m the God and the beast


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Shine di COBALTO band:


-COBALTO+ are: Rilly-Mauro" Il Prof"-Robbie F-Mattia "Noisemaker" Tedesco- Jackobigno
Italian English band
Record label: Rillo Production,Artist First

Cover Art: Marino Bocelli
Artistic Advisor: Robi Bonardi


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La canzone Shine si trova nell'album Shine uscito nel 2022 per Artist First, Rillo Production.

Copertina dell'album Shine, di COBALTO band

L'articolo COBALTO band - Shine testo lyric di COBALTO band è apparso su il 2023-03-29 12:48:15


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