Crash - Always will

20/05/2016 - 17:08 Scritto da Crash Crash 1


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Always will di Crash:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: senza nome (di @carlo_calesella con 1 brani)



1st verse:
For once in my life I can see
That no curtain is closing on me
I can feel the sun on my cheeks

2nd verse:
From the darkest night I've risen (respiro)
No more pain and fear and screaming
As it's my last day I'm breathing

Chorus (small):
Can't you see me resting in peace
Got a smile on my face even though I'm cold

3rd verse:
I know life it's an endless run
I went through it somehow with fun
'Till that day I met that gun (alta)

4th verse:
But don't you worry my son
You have to stop crying and carry on
I'll come along with you as you go through every door

Can't you see me resting in peace
I got a smile on my face even though I'm cold
Can't you see me looking at you
I'm taking care of everything you need and ALWAYS WILL
Cause you are everything I need
I put a seed under your tree
Give me some strenght to carry on

Can't you see me resting in peace
I got a smile on my face even though I'm cold
Can't you se me looking at you
I'm taking care of everything you need and ALWAYS WILL

Cause you are everything I need
I put a seed under your tree
Give me some strenght to carry on

Can't you see me resting in peace
I got a smile on my face even though I'm cold
Can't you se me looking at you
I'm taking care of everything you need and ALWAYS … WILL

Cause you are everything I need
I put a seed under your tree
Give me some strength to carry on


La canzone Always will si trova nell'album CRASH uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album CRASH, di Crash

L'articolo Crash - Always will di Crash è apparso su il 2016-05-20 17:08:33


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