DARIO MARANDINO - The Moon At Eventide testo lyric


The Moon At Eventide
Autore Originale: Dario Marandino

Anguished blind minds in the darkened glen,
Do not resign thy hearts to mad beings banned!
Only through black the work can be begun!
And she: "Right truly thou shalt see when
The sun at dawn shines,
at western gate his light is so quiet
And clothed by glaring rays,
The moon at eventide is still bright.
At the turn of the white, rejoice, the night will end".


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Moon At Eventide di DARIO MARANDINO:


Autore Originale: Dario Marandino


La canzone The Moon At Eventide si trova nell'album Elisha In The Chamber On The Wall uscito nel 2018 per Seahorse Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Elisha In The Chamber On The Wall, di DARIO MARANDINO

L'articolo DARIO MARANDINO - The Moon At Eventide testo lyric di DARIO MARANDINO è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-05-22 18:03:35


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