EpisThemE - Silent Screaming testo lyric

19/05/2014 - 00:34 Scritto da EpisThemE EpisThemE 0


erase the fears before rejection
indeed I have no interest on your pseudo-affection
as it sinks down

all I see is a blinded hallucination
frozen paroxysm
try to get rid of the pain that they give
noiseless inner riot

wounded spirit defies me to desecrate
all the good that’s left in my heart
ripping deeply to the marrow of my soul
broken exploit, silent screaming

plain void is inside my head
mindless involution
try to release all the turmoils in me
useless information

and I will build my cage, suffocating silently
lie to me once more, get buried deep in me

and I will feel the same growing seeds of apathy
in my empty rooms I dwell evermore


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Silent Screaming di EpisThemE:


La canzone Silent Screaming si trova nell'album Descending Patterns uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Descending Patterns, di EpisThemE

L'articolo EpisThemE - Silent Screaming testo lyric di EpisThemE è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-05-19 00:34:58


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