Fool Fool Boy - Psycho Circus testo lyric


They told me it's a human being
and they told me: "that's the way it is"
there's no way to change us
and they told me: "that's the way it is"

They told me to stay calm
and they told me: "that's the way it is"
i tried to keep my eyes closed
there's no way to change us, change us

They told me to stay calm
and they told me: "that's the way it is"
i tried to keep my eyes closed
there's no way to change us, change us

They told me it's a human being
and they told me: "that's the way it is"
there's no way to change us
and they told me: "that's the way it is"

They told me to stay calm
and they told me: "that's the way it is"
i tried to keep my eyes closed
there's no way to change us, change us

People trample each other just like bugs
to me all these things sucks
Psycho circus (X4)

People trample each other just like bugs
to me all these things sucks
Psycho circus (X4)

rage and madness are usual here.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Psycho Circus di Fool Fool Boy:


La canzone Psycho Circus si trova nell'album Fool Fool Boy | Mr. Alison | Idrox - Dreaming uscito nel 2016 per Believe, UniStory Music.

Copertina dell'album Fool Fool Boy | Mr. Alison | Idrox - Dreaming, di Fool Fool Boy

L'articolo Fool Fool Boy - Psycho Circus testo lyric di Fool Fool Boy è apparso su il 2022-07-12 18:57:49


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