Frank.Sinutre - Under This Kind of Light testo lyric


Like fish in the water
mushrooms and trees
and all this kinds of life

From humans to worms
from lions to bees
lived on the Earth timeline

three to one hundred million species this is biodiversity
live thanks to the sunlight

If life is based on carbon
we are all sons of the sun
and we are everybody sisters and brothers

How can it be so clever?
How can it be so sweet?
Under this kind of light

Everything is much better
Everything is all right. All right!
Under this kind of light

How can it be so clever?
How can it be so sweet?
Under this kind of light

Everything is much better
Everything is so fine. So fine!
Under this kind of light, of light, of light.

The sun fuses six hundred million tons of hydrogen each second
and after all this time

It keeps on changing it into Helium, it keeps on changing something
in something else so bright

4,6 billion years for everybody, every day and every night
of this kind of shining light

If life is based on carbon
we are all sons of the sun
and it's still burning for us

How can it be so clever?
How can it be so sweet?
Under this kind of light

Everything is much better
Everything is all right. All right!
Under this kind of light

How can it be so clever?
How can it be so sweet?
Under this kind of light

Everything is much better
Everything is so fine. So fine!
Under this kind of light of light, of light.
Under this kind of light


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Under This Kind of Light di Frank.Sinutre:


Sapete quante sono le specie viventi al mondo?
Nessuno lo sa con precisione: potrebbero variare da 3 a più di 100 milioni...
"Under This Kind of Light" è una celebrazione alla casualità delle condizioni che hanno permesso la vita; una su tutte la presenza di una stella: grazie al gratuito e infaticabile lavoro del Sole, le forme di vita in miliardi di anni si sono potute moltiplicare e differenziare fino a farne perdere letteralmente il conto.
“Under This Kind of Light” è un’ode alla vita in tutte le sue possibilità, compresi i primordi di quella che si appresta ad essere una nuova entità vivente sviluppata intenzionalmente da una forma di vita stessa: il video è infat ti interamente realizzato con algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale saggiamente diretti da Giovanni Tutti, un umano che, come noi, discende dai batteri.
In questo video Giovanni Tutti riduce l’AI all’essenziale: come fosse un videomaker umano, la istruisce sul contenuto del brano e la lascia lavorare. Il prodotto che ne esce è onirico, primordiale e aleatorio, proprio come ogni forma di vita ai primi passi.
Il 1° settembre 2024 esce “Under This Kind of Light”, nuovo singolo dei Frank Sinutre che preannuncia l'uscita del loro quinto album."

Music by Frank Sinutre
Video by Giovanni Tutti & AI
Mixed by Francesco Zacchi at “Into the Loop Sound Lab” - Aylesbury (UK)
Mastered by Leo Magnolfi at “EL-SOP Recording Studio” - Firenze
Released by theDustRealm Music

Do you know how many living species exist in the world?
No one knows for sure: it could range from 3 to 100 million...
"Under This Kind of Light" is a celebration of the randomness of the conditions that allowed life; one of the most crucial being the presence of a star: thanks to the free and tireless work of the Sun, life forms have been able to multiply and diversify over billions of years, to the point where it's impossible to count them all.
“Under This Kind of Light” is an ode to life in all its possibilities, including the beginnings of what is set to be a new living entity developed intentionally by a form of life itself: the video is indeed entirely created with artificial intelligence algorithms wisely directed by Giovanni Tutti, a human who, like us, descends from bacteria.
In this video, Giovanni Tutti strips AI down to its essentials: like a human videomaker, he instructs it on the content of the song and lets it work. The resulting product is dreamlike, primordial, and random, just like every form of life in its early stages.
On September 1, 2024, "Under This Kind of Light", the new single by Frank Sinutre, will be released, heralding the arrival of their fifth album.

Music by Frank Sinutre
Video by Giovanni Tutti & AI
Mixed by Francesco Zacchi at “Into the Loop Sound Lab” - Aylesbury (UK)
Mastered by EL-SOP Recording Studio
Released by TheDustRealm Music


Music by Frank Sinutre
Video by Giovanni Tutti & AI
Mixed by Francesco Zacchi at “Into the Loop Sound Lab” - Aylesbury (UK)
Mastered by EL-SOP Recording Studio
Released by TheDustRealm Music

VIDEO Under This Kind of Light

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La canzone Under This Kind of Light si trova nell'album Under This Kind of Light uscito nel 2024 per Soundrop, The DustRealmMusic.

Copertina dell'album Under This Kind of Light, di Frank.Sinutre

L'articolo Frank.Sinutre - Under This Kind of Light testo lyric di Frank.Sinutre è apparso su il 2023-11-09 20:23:37


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