The creature’s front of me
Should I join him
Or face him off
Let him go
Torn down
Who are you
Choking gaze
Blinding stench
The cry of flesh
Don’t you forget I’m the slasher of Aegis
of thunder and deities, slayer of men!
Typhoeus is my name, I’ve grown into darkness,
conceived in the depth of nothingness
Pearl eyes stare
Grim unfair
The fear is your ax, built in sickness
May I waste my time, chasing the life
Muse may I demand for your guide?
Not your demise, you’ll brightly arise
This is what you get joining me
Your brothers and sisters perceiving no distress
The price is no sight for those whom just need to exist
[Ovidio metamorfosi - Libro V]
“Nitirur ille quidem pugnatque resurgere saepe,
dextra sed Ausonio manus est subiecta Peloro,
laeva Pachyne, tibi, Lilybaeo crura premuntur,
degravat Aetna caput, sub qua harenas
eiectat flammamque ferox vomit ore Typhoeus”
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Hostile Forces III: Typhoeus di FROGG:
La canzone Hostile Forces III: Typhoeus si trova nell'album The Golden Path uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo FROGG - Hostile Forces III: Typhoeus testo lyric di FROGG è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-11-05 16:49:01