FROGG - Voice testo lyric

05/11/2023 - 16:49 Scritto da FROGG FROGG 1


Something blurred I see down there
Awful vison of a man

I can't stand your sight
And fathom thy growls
Stay away from me
Don't eat my liver

Closer and closer, I can eat you
Stronger and stronger, you can hear me

Voice rings inside my head!
No remorse, I'm your driving force!

The truth is told
How can it be?
How could I be?

I see myself, I don't get
I look at my hands,
Should I care?

Closer and closer, you can touch him,
Tastier and tastier, you can eat him

Voice rings inside my head!
No remorse, I'm your driving force!

You’re the One,
The chosen one
Quenches your thirst
Drink the Power,

You will be king
There will be blood

Rip the crown
our destiny
Feed your hunger
Eat them all
He will be dead
There will be blood

How can a day be so fair
So foul at same time
Bright future, rotten soul
Delusion, guilty!
This voice is showing me
Bright future, on the throne,
Illusion, killer!

How can a day (can be so fair)

Closer and closer, you can touch him,
Tastier and tastier, you can eat him

Voice rings inside my head!
No remorse, I'm your driving force!

The blur now is getting clear
If chance will have me king
Why chance may crown me
Without my stir


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Voice di FROGG:


La canzone Voice si trova nell'album Voice uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album Voice, di FROGG

L'articolo FROGG - Voice testo lyric di FROGG è apparso su il 2023-11-05 16:49:01


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