Glass Cosmos - Redemption is a pathway to nihilism testo lyric


Wrap me up in ephemeral passions
You feed your seeds in a barren land
And turn your values into barriers
It’s cold the day of a distant light

In a row of apathy
Where glitter’s poured like gold
We choose names to fill the content
The harsh of knowledge keeps us dull

But you don’t need another preacher
No you don’t need another fool
Force these lies force these lies
Force these lies that are so cruel

Your redemption is a pathway to nihilism
It ain’t redemption what forces me onto my knees
And i don’t feel like i can find this strength in me
And i don’t feel like i can find this strength in me

Early dreams bleached in a moment
The common sense gives us a call
To make our bones through work and progress
We’re a row of skulls in a department store

Oh the sun will save again
Another morning on my way to work
I’ll pay my debts to false ambitions
And crave the day to prove they’re wrong

But you don’t need another preacher
No you don’t need another fool
Force these lies force these lies
Force these lies that are so cruel

Your redemption is a pathway to nihilism
It ain’t redemption what forces me onto my knees
And i don’t feel like i can find this strength in me
And i don’t feel like i can find this strength in me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Redemption is a pathway to nihilism di Glass Cosmos:


La canzone Redemption is a pathway to nihilism si trova nell'album Disguise Of The Species uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Disguise Of The Species, di Glass Cosmos

L'articolo Glass Cosmos - Redemption is a pathway to nihilism testo lyric di Glass Cosmos è apparso su il 2014-05-30 00:01:41


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