Greco & Green - On the Roof Tonight testo lyric


weather forecast says its fine tonight
fine enough to buy some beer
everybody needs a little light
so shrug off the darkness and come round here

there's a party up above the houses
there's a party up amongst the stars
a toast to the living and those departed
drinking wine on the roof...
tonight we'll put speakers in the window
tonight we'll invite the neighbours round
you can call the cops but they won't mind
that we're drinking wine on the roof tonight

we're doing fine
suspended in time
drinking wine on the roof tonight

start a WhatsApp with an invitation
call the songbirds and the wastrels too
string the washing line with christmas lights
like fire flies in the urban blue

there's a party up above the houses
there's a party up amongst the stars
a toast to the living and those departed
drinking wine on the roof...
tonight we'll put speakers in the window
tonight we'll invite the neighbours round
you can call the cops but they won't mind
that we're drinking wine on the roof tonight

come around
and listen to our sounds
soul and blues and disco too
you can get high or get down

there's a party up above the houses
there's a party up amongst the stars
a toast to the living and those departed
drinking wine on the roof...
tonight we'll put speakers in the window
tonight we'll invite the neighbours round
you can call the cops but they won't mind
that we're drinking wine on the roof tonight


Premi play per ascoltare il brano On the Roof Tonight di Greco & Green:


La canzone On the Roof Tonight si trova nell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - On the Roof Tonight testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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