Good Morning
I'd say goodbye but fades away
Love me baby till i gotta really go home
If you want me, if you want me
Hit one more that demon, hit one more that demon and wait for applause
Hit one more that demon, hit one more that demon and get away from here
When i say so.
I am sure you hit something then recognized being my face
I don't love you anymore, i don't love you anymore
You climb my skin and own my dawn
You climb my skin and find my way coming home
You climb my skin and into waves i will fall, into waves i will fall
When i said no
You're on my way, leave me alone
Or i'll wake up all your demons right
Gettin' here i was fine
Now my knees are on fire cause i kneeled down to you
Cannot waste my charme for your game that leads to nothing at all
You're all alone i wanna tear you apart
You know that i can make it real
You're all alone, i wanna set you free
To join my side here underneath, under
I adore my lips
In my own world they're spoiled in my command
I adore my lips and come
You're on my head, you're on my head
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Good morning di ILRE:
Laura Sghedoni - voce, chitarra, basso
Michelle Cristofori - tastiere, cori, sound efx
Diego Bertani - chitarra, tastiere
Michele Mazzieri - batteria, drum samples
Registrato da Gabriele Riccioni presso il Bunker studio di Rubiera.
La canzone Good morning si trova nell'album A musical composition that contains more than a single, but less than a full album uscito nel 2017 per FUFFA RECORDZ, FUFFA RECORDZ.

L'articolo ILRE - Good morning testo lyric di ILRE è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-01-16 08:34:07