Irene Iris Salis - Above testo lyric


Above ground under the sky
Here we are we are alive
Raise your head up
Search inside spark off a fire
Rise up you are called
To grow wise and evolve
Can you absolve your darkness
Cause here is your light

At times Im on clouds, I don’t wanna come down, my mind drowns,
Now I feel I’m,
Six feet under ground, my heart is
Nowhere to be found

Can you hear the sound of your brainwaves
Calling you to live this life with joy
Or do you fear the boundary of your own ways
Flipping your dreams into your own decoy

Above ground under the sky
Here we are we are alive
Raise your head up
Search inside spark off a fire
Rise up you are called
To grow wise and evolve
Can you absolve your darkness
Cause here is your light

Raise your head up, you’re alive
Raise your head up, you’re alive
Raise your head up, you’re alive
Raise your head up, you’re alive
Raise it.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Above di Irene Iris Salis:


Irene Iris Salis


Irene Iris Salis: composition, arrangement, synths, programming, vocals.
Raffaele Matta: composition, electric guitar.
Andrea Parodo: electric bass
Nicola Vacca: studio recording, drums


La canzone Above si trova nell'album Soul Star uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Soul Star, di Irene Iris Salis

L'articolo Irene Iris Salis - Above testo lyric di Irene Iris Salis è apparso su il 2021-12-08 15:27:08


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