Irene Iris Salis - Precious Thing testo lyric


Holding my most precious thing
Dressed as the most precious King
Going to my head till it spins
Breathing new life like it’s never been
Then I got a feeling under my skin
That what was auspicious and what was propitious It’s causing suspicion , is making us cautious.

But I haven’t forgotten how it has begun,
The landing on your kingdom and the gaze into your Sun,
The free fall into no time that left us stunned,
Your lips that made mine bloom among the twinkle of the stars. One look at you and I knew it was you
Beyond spasms of thoughts, contractions of the heart,
The isms of actions, the fear of rejection.

Would you hold my hand,
We could spread our wings and

Fly free, rather than jump off the edge, All is where it needs to be,
Everyone’s safe,
Life has its own peculiar ways, No-one gets hurt,
We all need some shelter, We all need to love.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Precious Thing di Irene Iris Salis:


Irene Iris Salis


Raffaele Matta: electric guitar.
Andrea Parodo: electric bass
Nicola "Ninu" Vacca: studio recording, drums


La canzone Precious Thing si trova nell'album Soul Star uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Soul Star, di Irene Iris Salis

L'articolo Irene Iris Salis - Precious Thing testo lyric di Irene Iris Salis è apparso su il 2021-12-08 15:27:08


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