This is the last time, You push me through hell
These words my heart shouted, out of its cell
My body is aching and wanting
False coins of the real
He knows what I want,
what I want is unreal
This time I'm gonna make you mine
Black Horses run wild (2 volte)
I saw the real thing, just walking by me
She spoke in silence words, disguised truth
Oh let me try to experience, Let me try to be fooled
an' let this sunken love to spring out of you
He knows what I want,
what I want is unreal
I know what we once were and once more will be
You are the mirror, The lost side of me
Oh let me touch your skin
an' make it though it's a sin
I'm waiting for your sign to let my love come in
Testo di Michele Lazzerini
La canzone Black horses si trova nell'album Takin' a look inside You uscito nel 2011.

L'articolo Korach & Blue Vibrations - Black horses testo lyric di Korach & Blue Vibrations è apparso su Rockit.it il 2012-05-21 16:55:33