Kreky & The Asteroids - Moonless Sky testo lyric


I cannot let it go
still I wonder why
I would give myself some peace
but I can't find the time.
I know the morning will come out to play
but I’ll rest in my room.
I'll light up a candle
and I'll let my soul fly high.
Lord please save me from everything so cruel.
All I need is the silence and some real truth
and nothing but calm, under a black moonless sky,
lie down all alone at the feet of my mountain.
If I could, I would make it rain,
but I don't know how.
You know, I've burned down my mask
'cause I ain't got a face to hide.
You should have seen me like a thunder
in your witchy eyes.
I would give myself some peace,
but I ain't got the time.
Lord knows I would have given anything for you.
I just need some deep silence and some real truth
and nothing but calm, under a black moonless sky,
lie down all alone at the feet of my mountain.


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VIDEO Moonless Sky

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La canzone Moonless Sky si trova nell'album Banner Blindness uscito nel 2022 per Goodfellas Records, Romolo Dischi, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Banner Blindness, di Kreky & The Asteroids

L'articolo Kreky & The Asteroids - Moonless Sky testo lyric di Kreky & The Asteroids è apparso su il 2022-04-26 18:31:35


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