Luca Burgalassi - The Sweetest Blues testo lyric


When I woke up this morning, my morning had turned into afternoon
When I woke up this morning, tangled thoughts in my head
When I woke up this morning, found the sweetest blues I ever had
Lying in my bed, someone else, not the ghosts I’ve seen before
Sleeping next to me was the shadow of a dream
lying in my bed the sweetest blues I ever had
The comfort of the red wine warming up my dreams tonight
The shadow of an angel breaths and whispers in my mind
I’ve got her perfume in my head
the sweetest blues I ever had
I got up from my bed and looked beyond the dirty grime upon my window
I got up from my bed to a sick and gloomy day
I got up from my bed and closed the door behind my self
I'm walking down the road nobody knows my name
I'm walking on my own, nobody knows who I am
I’ve got her perfume in my head
The sweetest blues I ever had
Tangled thoughts strewn through my head
Sleeping next to me, just a shadow of a dream
I got up from my bed and slammed the door behind my self


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Sweetest Blues di Luca Burgalassi:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: prova (di @d.ragionieri con 10 brani)


Music and Lyrics by L. Burgalassi

Luca Burgalassi: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, harmonica, bass, percussions, organs.
Gianni Apicella: drums


La canzone The Sweetest Blues si trova nell'album WINDWARD uscito nel 2015 per Audioglobe, davvero comunicazione, Believe Digital.

Copertina dell'album WINDWARD, di Luca Burgalassi

L'articolo Luca Burgalassi - The Sweetest Blues testo lyric di Luca Burgalassi è apparso su il 2020-11-18 20:57:08


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