OLD MAN - Control testo lyric

24/09/2023 - 09:44 Scritto da OLD MAN OLD MAN 0


tell me tell me my mirror how many lives have you lived till now
i heard your scream from your silence and this sandstorm have blinded your glass
i tell you i have enough about this dark time
I'm calling Mr. Sandman give me back my dreams remainded
cause this night is darker before dawn

time will come will be a big parade
time will come will be a grateful days
time will come we gonna back our ways
exploring every limits without losing control...

how many days did you dream before going back to wath all this
your voice Is hollow in dark time and its hard to riding this time
i tell you i have enough about this dark time
I'm calling Mr. Sandman give me back my dreams remainded
cause this night is darker before dawn

time will come will be a big parade
time will come will be a grateful days
time will come we gonna back our ways
exploring every limits without losing control...

cause we've been speaking the same language from millennia...

cause this night Is darker before dawn

time Will come Will be a big parade
time Will come Will be a grateful days
time Will come we gonna back our ways
exploring every limits without losing control...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Control di OLD MAN:


La canzone Control si trova nell'album DEMO 2022 uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album DEMO 2022, di OLD MAN

L'articolo OLD MAN - Control testo lyric di OLD MAN è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-09-24 09:44:05


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