OLD MAN - Mr. Bears testo lyric

24/09/2023 - 09:44 Scritto da OLD MAN OLD MAN 0


they come from outside man
it's time ti revive Mr. Bears
cause you're a legend and you defend us...
delivering you're wall of sound

we'll rock'em till the end
till the last breath
we'll rock'em till the last dance
we'll rock'em till the end
till the last breath
twisting this night away

i can, i swear, here i am
we're fighting for a Mr. Bears
i can, i swear, here i am
we're fighting for a Mr. Bears....oh my God!!
forever green, forever my man...

they come from outside man
to steal our honey again
here we go again the beast sound is here
Mr. Bears don't take you're pills

we'll rock'em till the end
till the last breath
we'll rock'em till the last dance
we'll rock'em till the end
till the last breath
twisting this night away
come on Mr. Bears!!! come on!!!

( breaking news Mr. Bears is free again
the tale of a man is rockin' the town!!! )

i can, i swear, here i am
we fighting for a Mr. Bears
i can, i swear, here i am
we fighting for a Mr. Bears
forever green, forever my man...

take this pollution fucking punk!!!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mr. Bears di OLD MAN:


La canzone Mr. Bears si trova nell'album DEMO 2022 uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album DEMO 2022, di OLD MAN

L'articolo OLD MAN - Mr. Bears testo lyric di OLD MAN è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-09-24 09:44:05


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