"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all"
Sweet heart, iphone down
Come and sit here close to me
And listen to your old boomer
I want to confess
The failure, the betrayal
Of our own generation
Putting you on the road
Where we are going
Future of distress
Diseases, disasters
Future that you have to face
There's no more time
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we going
Increase greenhouse gases
Mine coal, extract oil
Pollute, deforest
Acidify the oceans
Make thousands of species extinct
Fill with plastic land and seas
Abuse resources and soil
Consume the territory
Erode the costs of the Adriatic
Warm the Mediterranean
Melt the ice of Apennines and Alps
Dry up the Po and the other rivers
Pump steers, chickens and pigs
On intensive lifestock farms
Burn woods, make waste
And scatter it everywhere
Yet we know
There's no second half
Know what to do
But we are not doing it
Put us aside
And take the lead
Where are we going
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we going
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we
Where are we going
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Where are we going di OP:
Music, lyrics, voice, electric guitar, electric piano and synth: LEONARDO BELTRI
Female voice, HELEN ROLLINS
Drums and percussions, IVO PARLATI
Recording, editing, mixing: MAURIZIO LOFFREDO
Initial verses by EMILY DICKINSON
VIDEO Where are we going

La canzone Where are we going si trova nell'album Where are we going uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

L'articolo OP - Where are we going testo lyric di OP è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-12-01 10:28:04