running fast on my rusty old ride
trapped in this sad dark night
I can’t see anything out of my glass
the motor noise breaks my eardrums
in a while just a flash in front of my eyes
I did not realize it was for me the last breath in my life
life has been torn from the body
fucking fate I was not even thirty
and now I’m here in this crappy limbo
thinking that hell would have been better
surrounded by surreal rocks
and eyeless human figures looking for their life
and I am one of them
following the cue without real conscience
I find myself in a lift that only goes down
I know it’s probably my last displacement
I regret human feelings in this flavourless nothing
no words, no views, no taste, no sounds
but it is not a punishment
it is just the way it goes
and sometimes I got the feeling
I feel the woman that I left
I can barely touch her
in her dreams
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Afterlife di Watch Them Burn:
La canzone Afterlife si trova nell'album Watch Them Burn uscito nel 2014.

L'articolo Watch Them Burn - Afterlife testo lyric di Watch Them Burn è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-08-15 21:29:31