Yearnin' - Somebody Else testo lyric

04/03/2019 - 19:00 Scritto da Yearnin' Yearnin' 1


All these kids out in the night
Pretendin' to be somebody else
All these parents in their homes
Wonderin' a better place
You can look them in their eyes
But you're the only one who cares

I drink soda on the beach
Tryin' my white evil to reach, alright

All these places in the dark
With these people movin' lone
Doesn't matter what you say, only care 'bout how they look
We were friends and talks were kind, now just party all the time

He will take my soul as a bribe
And make me sing as you like


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Somebody Else di Yearnin':


La canzone Somebody Else si trova nell'album Yearnin' (EP) uscito nel 2014.

Copertina dell'album Yearnin' (EP), di Yearnin'

L'articolo Yearnin' - Somebody Else testo lyric di Yearnin' è apparso su il 2019-03-04 19:00:58


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