Adirondack - All Those Days Are Gone testo lyric

26/03/2024 - 14:32 Scritto da Adirondack Adirondack 2


Try to reach me by those pictures on the floor
Smile to them and say that’s all okay
When you’re down, don’t wear a frown
If you want to look back do it only to see me

You wanted my smile, but sometimes without a reason
We were out from all this mess
If I only could tell you more, maybe you could know
That my only intention was to feel better than before

All those days are gone, they float in the space
I don’t want you to be just a phase
Don’t you believe me? Look to my face!
Can you hear me? I’ve no ace

Steal me from these days, I’ll not rip your lace, I swear
Lonely girl, soon you’ll be alone again
I’m your stick in the mud, I’m your first thought
Can you hear me from up there? You suffer

Remove me from your memories
Erase me from your diary
Maybe you died into my arms
Cut my head from this pic
We will be all alone, as it should be


Premi play per ascoltare il brano All Those Days Are Gone di Adirondack:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 974 brani)


La canzone All Those Days Are Gone si trova nell'album All Those Days Are Gone uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album All Those Days Are Gone, di Adirondack

L'articolo Adirondack - All Those Days Are Gone testo lyric di Adirondack è apparso su il 2024-03-26 14:32:08


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