Adrian and Ropes of Sand - Moving Target testo lyric


I’m alright I said
But am I really feeling it
I think that I’m alright you know
I got so used to faking it
To keep my head down
From these strong winds

I just can’t forget
A single thing you said
Lying in your arms
We just have to care

Know what I want
And I’ve got to do
I’ll put myself infront of you
All alone when the search was on
Who cares how these wounds have come
Bad habits made their home
They grew up from my failings

I just can’t forget
A single thing you said
Lying in your arms
We just have to care
And the lies that we tell ourselves
Form the moving targets
Are we hating this yet?

Everybody else
So much better organized
Everybody else
To know better than I

I think I can
Do better and better than
I think I can
Do better and better than
The lies that I tell myself
All the moving targets
Are we saving ourselves?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Moving Target di Adrian and Ropes of Sand:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 996 brani)


Andiamo in guerra alla voce negativa.


Testi: Adrian O'Connell
Musiche: Adrian O'Connell, Luca Gambacorta, Paolo Grassi
Adrian (voce, chitarre), Luca (basso, violoncello), Paolo (batteria)
Arrangiata dalla banda.
Registrato da Enrico Mangione/Mr. Enrico
Mixato da Pat Donne
Foto di Konstantinos Gkoumas, a cura di Noel Farrell
Pubblicata da Out On A Limb Records, 2022
italiano errato di Adrian

VIDEO Moving Target

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La canzone Moving Target si trova nell'album Moving Target uscito nel 2022 per Out On A Limb Records.

Copertina dell'album Moving Target, di Adrian and Ropes of Sand

L'articolo Adrian and Ropes of Sand - Moving Target testo lyric di Adrian and Ropes of Sand è apparso su il 2023-06-10 18:15:45


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