Adriano Spirito - Desert Lizards testo lyric


Desert lizards know what we've forgot?
No choice to take, no wars to wage.
No endless want, no calls to hear,
They live in peace, with no end near.

Tiny scales on ancient sands,
Basking still, no glorious plans.
No kingdom raised, no land they own.
No rules to break, no flags to fly,
No kings to praise, no gods to hail.
In their calm, a truth unfolds

Small as dust, they would fly,
Breed like storms, claim the sky.
But they don’t change the things that find,
They leave the earth as designed.

Desert lizards know what we've forgot?
No choice to take, no wars to wage.

We measured earth in miles and chains,
Mapped the world and claimed the plains.
We built our homes, made them tall
The crowded streets, the poisoned skies,
Our promised land is built on lies.
With bloodied hand and wars to fight.

We chose to grow, to fight and burn,
We rule the land, but never learn.
Lizards bask, while we destroy
And turn earth's gifts into our toys.

Desert's lizards know what we’ve forgot?
No choice to take, no wars to wage.
No endless want, no calls to hear,
They live in peace, with no end near.


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La canzone Desert Lizards si trova nell'album Desert Lizards uscito nel 2025 per Tunecore.

Copertina dell'album Desert Lizards, di Adriano Spirito

L'articolo Adriano Spirito - Desert Lizards testo lyric di Adriano Spirito è apparso su il 2025-03-05 09:30:52


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