Adriano Spirito - Kids With Adult Faces testo lyric


Flat scenes, kids with adult faces
Is it my reality, or just my limit?
Thinking you're the problem
Can hold you back
Thinking they are the problem
Can hype you up
But it’s no excuse to stop getting better

Before the world had a western name
Cities stank in the pouring rain
Streets roared, like a wild beast
But, yeah, the colors
They were the same
Blank-eyed faces, saints so still
Babies born with a grown man's will
Shadows lost in a fake paint
No light, no depth, no open sky

But one man saw through the frame
Felt the weight, the quiet shame
Knew the walls were closing in
No truth beneath the skin

Flat scenes, kids with adult faces
Is it my reality, or just my limit?
Thinking you're the problem
Can hold you back.
Thinking they are the problem
Can hype you up
But it’s no excuse to stop getting better

Every portrait makes me dumb
Even though they scream and shout
“Master, genius, paint me too!”
But deep inside, I feel untrue
Years will pass, they’ll fix this game
Perspective’s coming, but too late for my name
Am I wrong, or do they not see?
What if the flaw’s in them, not me?

Maybe it’s not me, maybe it’s you
What if you don’t see what I do?

Children don’t have the face of an angry man
Objects are not just big or small! they’re also near or far
Lights cast shadows
Horizons ain’t golden! They’ve got natural colors
Subjects can move too



Premi play per ascoltare il brano Kids With Adult Faces di Adriano Spirito:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1008 brani), Aere (di @rockitadmin con 854 brani), Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 926 brani), Radici (di @rockitadmin con 861 brani)


La canzone Kids With Adult Faces si trova nell'album Kids With Adult Faces uscito nel 2025 per Tunecore.

Copertina dell'album Kids With Adult Faces, di Adriano Spirito

L'articolo Adriano Spirito - Kids With Adult Faces testo lyric di Adriano Spirito è apparso su il 2025-03-05 09:30:52


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