Adriano Spirito - Men With Hidden Eyes testo lyric


You press a key
Lights flash bright
But there’s a man
That’s working inside
Behind that box
dispensers on the roadside
This ain’t tech
It’s human stuff

Cash in
Says the man by his side
Coins in
Quick hands move, your smoke arrive
Mystic store
Who knows what's inside?
A puzzle that abides

Curious souls
Seeking a smoky grace
Find the truth
In this very unusual place
Unseen hands
Hidden workers, secret game
The client smile, and he’s not realize

Peel back the veil
They’re to be saved
In that secret shop
So much they gave, locked in
The men with hidden eyes
Each puff, every breath in a fantasy
And the secrets are revealed

Cash in
Says the man by his side
Coins in
Your tobacco is gonna arrive
Mystic store
Where no one expects to know
A business that has grown

Peel back the veil
They’re to be saved
In the secret shop
So much they gave, locked in
The men with hidden eyes
Each puff, every breath in a fantasy
and the secrets are

Peel back the veil
They’re to be saved
In the secret shop
So much they gave, locked in
The men with hidden eyes
Each puff, every breath in a fantasy
and the secrets are revealed


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Men With Hidden Eyes di Adriano Spirito:


La canzone Men With Hidden Eyes si trova nell'album Men With Hidden Eyes uscito nel 2025 per Tunecore.

Copertina dell'album Men With Hidden Eyes, di Adriano Spirito

L'articolo Adriano Spirito - Men With Hidden Eyes testo lyric di Adriano Spirito è apparso su il 2025-03-05 09:30:52


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