AGENTORANGE - At night testo lyric


Lying on a bed of leaves
I look at the sky
from under the tall trees
I don't remember why
they are there
I feel the shadows
behind me
and the presence
that breathe hard.
It's like a burn all over my skin
I'm looking for you
and you're gone
I can't remember your face anymore
Then i feel cold
and afraid in this forest
Night falls and you are not here
At night, at night i feel
that i miss you
At night, i feel that i want you
At night...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano At night di AGENTORANGE:


La canzone At night si trova nell'album H Y D R A uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album H Y D R A, di AGENTORANGE

L'articolo AGENTORANGE - At night testo lyric di AGENTORANGE è apparso su il 2024-02-07 15:04:03


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