You know the pieces that I'm made of
And kiss me as if you were Judas
Backstab me but your name's not Brutus
You're brutal
I'm shattered like glass
Feels like the end
But he will save me
The broken hearts' blacksmith rejoices every time
Fixes all the pieces he could ever find
Lost in his pocket but not for so long
Don't worry he'll forge you a new soul
Bend me
Now I'm made of steel so I won't break
You and your daggers have no escape
But I won't seek revenge
For i believe you’ll change cause
He’ll polish your rusty brain
Refill your Gallium veins
He’ll give you a golden heart
And you’ll restart
The broken hearts' blacksmith rejoices every time
Fixes all the pieces he could ever find
Lost in his pocket but not for so long
Don't worry he'll forge you a new soul
As I felt a knife in my shoulder
I fell trembling on the floor
And when I was tasting the pavement
I knew I was hurting my tongue
So please
You are the broken hearts' blacksmith
Give me something else to believe
The broken hearts' blacksmith rejoices every time
Fixes all the pieces he could ever find
Lost in his pocket but not for so long
Don't worry he'll forge you a new soul
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Broken Heart’s Blacksmith di Age Of The Egg:
La canzone Broken Heart’s Blacksmith si trova nell'album Songs of Rage uscito nel 2017.

L'articolo Age Of The Egg - Broken Heart’s Blacksmith testo lyric di Age Of The Egg è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-09-02 17:40:53