Just wait and see
You're not the one you used to be
And time will show
What once was mine it's yours now so
Don't chose to stay
For things are never gonna change
You're still incomplete
So now wake up and breathe
Just breathe
I know you've left everything
Because Of me
Cause all of this
Cause all of this
Cause all of this
Cause all of this
Cause all of this
And now I'm stuck in words
I'm stuck in words
I'm stuck in thoughts
I'm stuck in thoughts
In thoughts of things
That could have been
They could have been
But never will
You've left me here alone
I'm burning down
Even though it's cold
This winter is biting on my neck
I have even thought of slicing your chest
When I wake up
I think of you
I think of everything you do
I'm feeling like my mind is gone
I have to throw up
But I'm not done
No I am not done
I have just started
Fuck you
Fuck you
I'm writing a new page
And it's Another
Song of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Songs of rage
Go on without me
And never be
Afraid of life
You’ll never die
But when you go
Don’t close the door
Maybe someday
We’ll meet again
Premi play per ascoltare il brano S.O.R. di Age Of The Egg:
La canzone S.O.R. si trova nell'album Songs of Rage uscito nel 2017.

L'articolo Age Of The Egg - S.O.R. testo lyric di Age Of The Egg è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-09-02 17:40:53