Akira - When the Sky Falls Down testo lyric

08/03/2022 - 08:43 Scritto da Akira Akira 1


You gotta stand in line
Forget all that you left behind
In the eye of the storm
Wishing that you were never born
You gotta feel alright
Even if you’re out in the coldest night
From the deserts to L.A.
Sometimes a lie is what you have to say
And now
take your time and pick yourself
from the ground
‘Cause life’s worth a ride
even when the sky falls down
When the sky falls down
You gotta feed your dog
Because the clock never stops
When you're in the dragon's jaws
with your back against the wall
Oh baby run, run away before it all turns
around ‘Cause life’s worth a ride
even when the sky falls down
When the sky falls down
Oh baby run, run away before it all turns around
‘Cause life’s worth a ride
even when the sky falls down
Even when the sky falls down


Premi play per ascoltare il brano When the Sky Falls Down di Akira:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Aere (di @rockitadmin con 751 brani)

VIDEO When the Sky Falls Down

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La canzone When the Sky Falls Down si trova nell'album When the Sky Falls Down uscito nel 2022 per Believe, nessuna.

Copertina dell'album When the Sky Falls Down, di Akira

L'articolo Akira - When the Sky Falls Down testo lyric di Akira è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-03-08 08:43:52


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