Alborosie - Play fool (to catch wise) testo lyric


Play fool to catch wise,
ghetto youth elemental surprise.
Play fool to catch wise,
ever shine, ever bright, ever rise!

Ca' when the system pressure youth what a thing?!
Jobless, empty pocket and no formal settlement.
And so the youth take up badness, start hustling.
Him fire the black iron and no Zion can save him from judgement.

Time to follow righteousness, get a meditation.
Some youth just left behind, last seen smelt some medication.
Good over evil is the final confrontation.
Look forward for a global emancipation, yo!

Play fool to catch wise,
ghetto youth elemental surprise.
Play fool to catch wise,
ever shine, ever bright, ever rise!

And when one door is closed many more are open.
Bob Marley said it, yes, and we never ever doubt it.
The situation tough, bad, make we face it.
Opportunities, roast dinner, and few can really make it.

No job and no justice, and youth a move drastic.
'Nuff a them end up in a plyboard casket.
Running from police, that a them gymnastic.
That's why Jamaican youths


La canzone Play fool (to catch wise) si trova nell'album Sound the System uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Sound the System, di Alborosie

L'articolo Alborosie - Play fool (to catch wise) testo lyric di Alborosie è apparso su il 2008-01-25 00:00:00


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