Alessio Manis - Cards on the Table testo lyric


I lived the life of a dreamer,
I woke up dazed at dusk.
I built a house made of sand,
I lived a dream made of smoke.

I laid my cards on the table
and I played by the rules.

Then I opened the safe
and I've looked inside,
the only thing that was left,
between dust and regrets,

was a handful of laughs
that got lost in the past.


Music and lyrics by Alessio Manis.

Alessio Manis: Vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, lapsteel guitar, bass, piano-keyboards-synths, drum
programming, engineering, mixing, mastering and production.


La canzone Cards on the Table si trova nell'album At the Foot of the Hill uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album At the Foot of the Hill, di Alessio Manis

L'articolo Alessio Manis - Cards on the Table testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su il 2019-11-30 19:17:45


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