Alessio Manis - Fragments testo lyric


There are places I want to see,
there are moments I want to be,
those are fragments of life indeed,
all those moments I want to be
just you and me,
just you and me.

'cause we're walking across this world,
always doing what we were told.
But there are shadows across the floor,
there's a sign hangin' on the door,
it says "no more",
it says "no more".

We've seen all over, what's left to see?
We've been all over, what's left to be?
After all what I want to be
is a shelter for you and me,
for you and me,
for you and me.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fragments di Alessio Manis:


Words & Music by Alessio Manis


La canzone Fragments si trova nell'album Truths & Lies uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Truths & Lies, di Alessio Manis

L'articolo Alessio Manis - Fragments testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su il 2019-11-30 19:17:45


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