Have you heard the news today?
It is God, now, that has to pray,
'cause the things we are praying for
we can get from the online store.
What is it that you can sell?
Eternal life, some magic spell?
Build me a temple with marble stone,
give me a crown and a golden throne.
We're kind of busy, you see, down here,
and got too smart for doubts and fear.
Every step along the way,
every minute, every day
There'll be something on a screen
that will keep our mind pristine,
anesthetic for the brain,
approved way of being insane.
So you better embrace the suck,
collect your stuff and start to pack,
the competition has gone so far,
as you can see we have raised the bar.
Anyhow, don't leave the room,
stick around and maybe soon,
in some place, not far away
when tomorrow is yesterday
there might be someone who,
in great despair and feeling blue,
would like to have a chat with you,
and I wonder, what would you do?
Will you brush-up your goodwill,
or turn away and run for the hill?
would you land your helping hand,
or rather just stare and stand?
Am I doing it all wrong?
Will I ever be so strong
that whatever comes around
I will knock it to the ground?
Maybe you still have some appeal,
but to whoever has signed the deal,
now I say "it isn't fair,
you see, that day, I wasn't there".
Music and lyrics by Alessio Manis.
Alessio Manis: Vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, piano-keyboards-synths, drum
programming, engineering, mixing, mastering and production.
La canzone Goodwill si trova nell'album At the Foot of the Hill uscito nel 2025.

L'articolo Alessio Manis - Goodwill testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-11-30 19:17:45