Alessio Manis - Reset testo lyric


Please sit down,
have a drink.
Take off your shoes,
if you want.

We check inside
and blow some air,
we make some space
and clean the place.

But now we need
to switch off,
don't worry, it takes
the blink of an eye

and then it's over,
a brand new brain,
a brand new life,
a new silk tie,
your sushi and thai,
until you cry,
until you die.

They switch back on,
the light gets in,
all those faces
with bated breath

A sudden blink
and they shake hands,
no need to check
for your reflex

Please disconnect
the wires,
now remove
the needles

'cause now it's over,
a brand new brain,
a brand new life,
a new silk tie,
your sushi and thai,
until you cry,
until you die.

Announcement from Brain Reboot Incorporated.
Feeling overloaded and hard-pressed?
Tired of outdated and antiquated memories?
Wonna get rid of all those obsolete synapses?
Come and visit us!
Deeply accurate brainwashing for a brand new brain!
It takes the blink of an eye!
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Premi play per ascoltare il brano Reset di Alessio Manis:


Words & Music by Alessio Manis


La canzone Reset si trova nell'album Truths & Lies uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Truths & Lies, di Alessio Manis

L'articolo Alessio Manis - Reset testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su il 2019-11-30 19:17:45


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