Alessio Manis - Roll the Stone Up the Hill testo lyric


I sit on the ground,
biding my time,
messing around
in this playground.

I don't understand
The things that I see,
you don't understand
the things that I say.

I'm at the foot
of the hill,
I'm rolling
my stone.

I red the script,
the role wouldn't fit.
Who sets the rules?
Who blames the fools?

Keep chewing your bone,
keep scrolling your phone,
Roll your stone
up the hill.

I'm at the foot
of the hill,
I'm rolling
my stone.

You think that I should,
you think that I would
take part in the race
when I know that the prize

is my name on the door
and my face on a screen.
Polish your smile,
sharpen your grin.

I'm at the foot
of the hill,
I'm rolling
my stone.

In my land
of sea and sand
I left the gold
that I couldn't spend.

In this place,
of snow and glace,
I'll leave the numbers
for the safe.


Music and lyrics by Alessio Manis.

Alessio Manis: Vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, piano-keyboards-synths, drum
programming, engineering, mixing, mastering and production.


La canzone Roll the Stone Up the Hill si trova nell'album At the Foot of the Hill uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album At the Foot of the Hill, di Alessio Manis

L'articolo Alessio Manis - Roll the Stone Up the Hill testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su il 2019-11-30 19:17:45


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