Alexia - Don't Love Me Baby testo lyric

13/03/2012 - 11:22 Scritto da Alexia Alexia 0


Don't love me baby
I don't want you
No no no no

I see you walking under the rainfall
Let you know that you're part of my life
It's so hard to declare that it's over
You're still in my mind, in my mind

No no no no
Come on baby
No no no no
Get out of my life

Don't love me baby
I don't want you
Cause my heart can't resist tonight

No no no no

Come on baby, hello
I wanna love you forever

I hear you talk to me about the future
But you're just fooling me with your lies
Once you said that it would last forever
With you by my side, by my side

No no no no

Hello, baby


La canzone Don't Love Me Baby si trova nell'album The Party uscito nel 1998.

Copertina dell'album The Party, di Alexia

L'articolo Alexia - Don't Love Me Baby testo lyric di Alexia è apparso su il 2012-03-13 11:22:10


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