Alfiere - Today testo lyric

08/10/2023 - 22:55 Scritto da Alfiere Alfiere 1


Is not a blue day
The need to put right
It has gone away
That feeling doesn’t matter
And it seems to work better
When i don’t see it as a bother
If I
Think how much time i have lost
Trying to explain, to chase my ghosts
And now I know how much it cost
If you
Had told me what was going on
Certainly, would’ve gone on
Instead of being stuck and worn
Maybe it was the cold, the heat, your doubts, my words
Our lack, your shams, my fears: the worst
How was it possible they were the only things
That you believed to be worthy
Where do you keep the fun, the help, your looks, my nest
Our bond, your wins, my grit: the best
It’s clear to my loving eyes how meaningless
Was all the rest
However today, today i learned well
To keep all good things in my shell
But I can’t forget the hell
and the noise of when I fell
However today, today i learned well
To keep all good things in my shell
But I can’t forget the hell
and the noise of when I fell
However today, today i learned well
To keep all good things in my shell
But I can’t forget the hell
and the noise of when I fell
Is not a blue day
I’m learning to say
I won’t be my own prey


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Today di Alfiere:


Today è un punto di arrivo nel percorso di consapevolezza di sé. Racconta di una serenità conquistata a piccoli passi, grazie ad esperienze che hanno lasciato un segno, ma che hanno permesso di comprendere meglio la propria strada e le proprie necessità. E’ dunque un invito a vivere il sé del momento presente, l’oggi, appunto, cercando di dare valore ai traguardi raggiunti e agli ostacoli superati, a chi siamo diventati, anche e proprio grazie al cammino fatto fin qui.


Autore: Alfiere
Compositori: Alfiere, Francesco Faggi
Genere: Pop / R&B


La canzone Today si trova nell'album Gradi di Libertà uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Gradi di Libertà, di Alfiere

L'articolo Alfiere - Today testo lyric di Alfiere è apparso su il 2023-10-08 22:55:39


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