Allis On Air - I Need A Reason testo lyric


I Need A Reason

Peering through the empty glass
Come on fill me another one
I need the kick
To sit here and reminisce
To observe and not get sick
Give me something to believe in
But I don't wanna be blind like they are
Like I'm staring at the sun
Like I'm only waiting for a gun

God I'm just a man
Stuck in this world
I need a reason

To go back home

Listen she was just a friend
We were never meant to be
Selfless lovers

Cause she took and never gave
Her love was gonna be my grave

I can't save her from herself
And what's with trying to save everyone
Surviving is hard enough

Fuck if I don't stop I'll need a gun

God I'm just a man
Stuck in this world
I need a reason

To go back home

Time, won't you shed some light on this mess
Time, fix me

They're not happy I can tell
I guess it's easier to pretend

Long drive, dead end

Lonely wanderer of the earth
I seek the truth within myself
They chase cages for themselves
So I'm not gonna waste time with this pest
It's my life it's not a test
You can go to hell with all the rest

God I'm just a man
Stuck in this world
I need a reason

To go back home


Premi play per ascoltare il brano I Need A Reason di Allis On Air:


Questo è forse l’unico testo dai toni un po’ cinici e negativi.
Il protagonista, seduto a bere al bancone di un bar, riflette e si sfoga in balia dell’alcol su vari argomenti, da una relazione andata male a un certo conformismo di chi gli sta intorno e che lo infastidisce, concludendo però mandando tutti al diavolo e scrollandosi di dosso questo momento di debolezza, pronto a ripartire.


Music: Daniele Lattanzi / Daniele Tiddia
Lyrics: Daniele Tiddia


La canzone I Need A Reason si trova nell'album Beautiful Mess Inside uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Beautiful Mess Inside, di Allis On Air

L'articolo Allis On Air - I Need A Reason testo lyric di Allis On Air è apparso su il 2017-10-26 12:04:45


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