Amalia Bloom - Memorial testo lyric


The sun is high in the sky,
it fills the empty space
between the cobblestones
of the road we walked
that day, when you were
wearing a red rose
in the curls of your hair,
right before asking me
“Can you please ask again?”

Now I cling to anesthetics
to place order in my mind
‘cause every song that I hear
sounds like
notes covered in grime.
Smoking green leaves,
I’ve been searching
for a moment of pure love,
the much-vaunted I have strived for
when I was used to feeling something.
I felt true.
The memory of you
sings along with
the sound of a violin
gently carried by the wind.
I had too much to say,
but I said nothing

and gave you my silver ring.
As I kneeled down,
you turned around and
fixed your look on mine
and time stopped,

we listened to all the sounds:
the bells were ringing loud,
the breeze was like your whisper.
The wind stops blowing,
the daydreaming ends,
I’ll keep walking.

Yes, you said.
I will remember,
I will cherish that moment


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VIDEO Memorial

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La canzone Memorial si trova nell'album Picturesque uscito nel 2022 per Engineer Records.

L'articolo Amalia Bloom - Memorial testo lyric di Amalia Bloom è apparso su il 2021-11-05 14:19:23


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