a minor place - Convent Upon Ohře testo lyric


Convent Upon Ohře

You and I
on this riverbank
watch this boat
hand in hand

with this oakum
fire and pitch
now we caulk it
with our hands (bare hands)

may this river
lull us gently
may our love
be strong enough to sail

and i sing our song
whispering unheard
while the fire burns out
at the water's edge

and i sing our song
and we'll do our best
and we pray the breeze
to blow from east to west

and i sing our song
am I living in a dream?
Hell I am, still I
have just learned to swim


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Convent Upon Ohře di a minor place:


Featuring the seductive talent of My Baby Will.
Produced by AMP + Matteo Borgognoni
Mastered by Marco Ranalli andruidrecords.wix.com/andr…


La canzone Convent Upon Ohře si trova nell'album Tracce recuperate uscito nel 2013.

L'articolo a minor place - Convent Upon Ohře testo lyric di a minor place è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-11-22 05:10:24


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