Antena White Opera - Paper Kingdom testo lyric



Saved lands
The sky here is red
I pray for the undead
Traveling through my memories
The lord of Hades's waiting for me
Always watching us
Ready to weigh your heart

Spirits fly over my oblivion
The crows that glide over me
They wait my flesh
And I can't remember
I live in a paper kingdom
But I'm too tired
I live in a paper kingdom
My ascent begins

Everything burns out
But what a horrible fate
This fear of forgetting
What if everything turns to me?

Are you remembering?
Tell me, what happened?
(I’m your past)
So why are you with me?
(Because I’m Psyche)
For me? To set me free?
(Abdicate the throne)

Spirits fly over my oblivion
The crows that glide over me
They wait my flesh
And I can't remember
I live in a paper kingdom
But I'm too tired
I live in a paper kingdom
My ascent begins


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Paper Kingdom di Antena White Opera:


Il primo brano della Suite: The Evergreen Castle. Per apprezzare a pieno questa Suite sarebbe meglio ascoltare prima i 2 album precedenti


La canzone Paper Kingdom si trova nell'album Oblivion uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Oblivion, di Antena White Opera

L'articolo Antena White Opera - Paper Kingdom testo lyric di Antena White Opera è apparso su il 2020-02-11 15:54:41


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